Get one-on-one help with your phone, computer, or other tech needs. Call to register.
Need help figuring out your smartphone? Struggling with your laptop or tablet? Want to build your tech confidence in a low-pressure, one-on-one setting? We're here for you! Schedule a personalized, hour-long session with a knowledgeable library staff member who will guide you through your technology questions—whether it's setting up email, navigating apps, managing files, using online resources, or anything in between.
Sessions are tailored to your needs and paced at your comfort level. Multiple dates and times are available. Call us today at 303.627.3050 and we’ll find a time that works for you. Let us help you feel more confident and connected in the digital world!
AGE GROUP: | Older Adults | Adults (21+) | Adults (18+) |
EVENT TYPE: | Science and Technology | General Interest | Careers and Skills |
The Tallyns Reach Library is located at the interesection of Aurora Parkway and Arapahoe Road.
To reserve a community room, visit
To see library programs and events, visit